New “grid connected” photovoltaic system of over 500kWp

New “grid connected” photovoltaic system of over 500kWp

13 December 2022|News

ILVE spa, an Italian company that produces household appliances and professional cooking systems dedicated to the domestic market, entrusts SICE srl with the design and construction of a grid connected photovoltaic system of over 500kWp on the roof of its headquarters in Campodarsego (PD). The plant, which will be completed by May 2023, will be made up of 1,203 high-efficiency LONGI LR5 420W monocrystalline modules and is estimated to produce 580,000 kWh of electricity per year, avoiding CO2 emissions into the atmosphere of approximately 307 tonnes, equal to almost 770 equivalent trees and at the same time providing ILVE with over 40% of its annual electricity consumption from 100% renewable sources. At the end of the use of the product, the LONGI modules follow the circularity required by the legislation and highlighted by the “PV Cycle” certificate obtained by them.??